We can all have difficulties in everyday life and encounter problems that are hard to cope with alone. You may feel worried, anxious, confused or be experiencing difficulties in relationships. Perhaps you’ve noticed changes in your mood and you’re feeling low or stressed. Other challenges we face like bereavement, physical health problems or life-limiting illnesses can become overwhelming.
At these times, it can be helpful to talk things over in confidence with a counsellor. Our aim at the Listening Lounge is to provide a safe space in which you can talk openly and honestly, without judgement. We place great value on collaboration and compassion. Your counsellor will come together with you to gain a better understanding of your situation.
Whatever you might be struggling with, often the first step is to let someone know. You can self-refer to us by following the link below, or for more information call us on 01534 866793.
We’re here to help.